25 May 2021

Special Edition: 2021-22 Federal Budget Update

The Government has decided not to go down the austerity path, which will be a relief for many taxpayers and businesses.

Rather, the Government has decided to put its foot on the accelerator with the hope that the growth in the economy over a long period of time will help to pay down the debt that has been central to the Government’s response to COVID-19.

On personal taxation, in an expected announcement, the Government confirmed that it will extend the low and middle income tax offset (LMITO) beyond 2020-21 so that taxpayers will continue to receive the tax offset (between $255 and $1,080) in the 2021-22 income year.

To view the full 2021-22 Federal Budget newsletter, click here. Please contact us for clarification, or further advice, regarding any of the topics covered in this newsletter

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